Jaffa Park
flowing shapes for flowing thoughts
When contemplating, thoughts come and go, they flow naturally, and so does Jaffa Park. Nature becomes a wall, a wall becomes a building, and a building gradually becomes nature.
The design balances between being landscape and architecture, an installation and a building, or between the natural and the artificial. It is transient and changes over time. There is no end-of-life, and so is permanent, a dynamic permanence.
For Jaffa Park, I distinguished a variety of interventions, namely, plants. pads, fences, walls, seats, installations and a pavilion. These are in chronological order from landscape to more architectural defined interventions.
Project information
Location: Jaffa Park, Delft, the Netherlands
Client: Faculty of Architecture, Technical University Delft
Year: 2022-2023
Scope: architecture
Team: Jorn Beltman