My goal is to stimulate creative innovation, to strengthen inclusivity, liveability and general society while minimizing environmental impact. In a company or a working group, I feel comfortable and have experience in managing and leading. Although I am critical and rational, I will try to find creative solutions. This makes me a valuable asset, especially in the starting phase of a design.

I enthusiastically and positively stand my ground in discussions, but flexible to adapt to someone else’s opinion. Next to this, I am passionately and energetically entrepreneurial.

The more I see, the more I get stunned by human behaviour. Architecture, products, stories or art have the possibility to show and thrive distinct personalities. The way we make use of something is more important than the thing itself. In an ever changing society the way we use all ‘things’ will keep changing. Instead of holding back this constant evolution, we can design conditions for the future, where users can shape their products and houses. The products shaped by their users will allow demands and stimulate individuality and cause a more inclusive society. A more than ever demand driven society is perceived differently by all different users. As a designer I try to focus on how do people react to things. How can we influence their reaction. And how can their reaction influence the design.

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